DAY 6: WATERCOLOR STUDY. SIZE: 6-5/8” x 9-3/4” $50.00 plus shipping and handling. If you are interested in purchasing this study please email me [email protected] I enjoyed Tuesday’s 30 in 30 I decided to create today’s watercolor in 30 minutes! I find waterfall intriguing. Watching water flow and splash with ever-changing shapes, form, value and colors. This was done as a rough for a future finished painting. Yondota Falls is located in the western half of the Upper Peninsula, Michigan. I try to visit this waterfall several times a year. Every season brings a new look to the falls. When I do a study I simplify my palette in order concentrate on the larger picture and not get bogged down on the details. Limited palette, 5-colors:
Paper: 300 pound Arches cold press #watercolorpainting #watercolors #dalepopovichartist #30paintingsin30days #DalePopovich #Watercolor #WatercolorPainting #LeslieSaeta #toweringwindsacademyoffinearts
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Size: 5-5/8” x 14”
$35.00 plus shipping and handling. If you are interested in purchasing this study, please email me [email protected] Today’s challenge was a 20-minute watercolor sketch of a farm in southern Indiana. I played with the bright white buildings against the dark background. I treated the foreground shapes as an abstract which makes the structures the focal point. Forcing myself to work in a limited time-frame maked me streamline my thinking to distill only the essential information for my painting. Limited palette, 4-colors:
Paper: 300 pound Arches cold press #watercolorpainting #watercolors #dalepopovichartist #30paintingsin30days #DalePopovich #Watercolor #WatercolorPainting #LeslieSaeta #toweringwindsacademyoffinearts DAY 4: STUDY.
Size: 6-5/8” x 10” NFS Today’s challenge was to not only to create a painting for the 30 paintings in 30 days but to create it in 30 minutes from memory! There is a swampy area across the road from our log cabin. One morning we decided to explore this area while walking the corgis. I noticed a foggy situation from the creek beyond. Areal perspective became an essential part of this scene. Unfortunately, we didn’t have our cameras that day. Thank goodness I have developed my memory skills. Try this exercise – it forces you to create a painting and not replicate a photo. Go out and study a place you would like to paint. No camera, no sketch pad, no paints just your mind. This is what I call plein air memory. Take as long as you need to capture the image. Outside, study the:
In the studio: Remember this is an exercise truly in memory! This all done with your brush — no pencil. Keep your brushstrokes simple creating large patterns of value and color to create the composition and build on that. Keep your detail limited Create points of interest working up to your focal point Keep it simple Full-color palette, 6-colors:
Paper: 300 pound Arches hot press #watercolorpainting #watercolors #dalepopovichartist #30paintingsin30days #DalePopovich #Watercolor #WatercolorPainting #LeslieSaeta #toweringwindsacademyoffinearts DAY 3: WATERCOLOR STUDY SIZE: 10” x 6-1/2” $150.00 plus shipping and handling. If you are interested in purchasing this study, please email me [email protected] This 90-minute watercolor study is of a creek near our cabin. I took several photos of this area last month taking in all the subtle color variations, values, and aerial perspective of a summer afternoon in Wisconsin. Back in my Indiana studio I gathered my images and memories of the day and began to work. I decided to start with a somewhat limited palette (see colors used below.) My goal was to simplified shapes and eliminated a lot of detail and noise. Allowing only the most important images to tell a story of a tranquil, sunny summer day in the Great Northwoods. Whether you are creating a watercolor sketch/study or a finished painting you need to follow these three steps for a successful watercolor painting experience. I discuss this in all my watercolor classes, workshops and even my online art school, Step #1: The Block-In Painting large to small areas. Painting background to foreground. Repeating this through every phase of the painting until the background is finished. Painting values light to dark. Putting down values to represent something for the lights and something for the darks. Painting colors intense at the beginning to less intense as you move through the painting. This first step is quick and all-encompassing and will take the least amount of time to paint. Step #2
Step #3: Final Details
Throughout the process above remember to: - Change your color or temperature every three to five brushstrokes Finished Painting, Final Thoughts I did use at the end of the watercolor painting a little white gouache mixed with raw sienna for the waterlilies. Now when I create a finished painting of this summer stream, I may not use gouache for the water lilies. Remember a study/sketch is just that. A place where you put down your thoughts and ideas. So personally, I have no problem with the use of gouache. In fact, just recently I was able to experience the John Singer Sargent Show at the Art Institute in Chicago. I was able to study his incredible watercolors up-close. He too used gouache, sparingly and with thought, to highlight specific areas. Remember if you are entering a juried show read the rules carefully. Some shows will disqualify your painting if the painting is not 100% transparent even if you use gouache for only your signature. Limited palette, 5-colors:
#watercolorpainting #watercolors #dalepopovichartist #30paintingsin30days #DalePopovich #Watercolor #WatercolorPainting #LeslieSaeta #toweringwindsacademyoffinearts DAY 2: STUDY.
SIZE: 9-1/8” x 4-1/2” $40.00 plus shipping and handling. If you are interested in purchasing this study please email me [email protected] This is a watercolor study I painted in 10 minutes today. I often like to do quick studies which help me warm up for the day of painting. That's right, loosens up my ’painter’s arm’, my memory, and gets my brain in focus. The primary purpose I wanted to accomplish with this study was focusing on lines and shapes — building on the abstract shape. To achieve this, I paint without a photo reference, instead, I lean on my memory. Quite often I sit quietly in nature and study color, shapes, and values. I call it ’plein air observation.’ Studying the beauty and subtleties of nature helps you develop your memory skills which allow you to distill the information you have observed into a one of a kind expression. This way you are not using your photo as a crutch but allows you to truly create and not copy. I believe this exercise keeps my paintings from becoming static and stale but one of a kind. 2-colors:
#30paintingsin30days #DalePopovich #Watercolor #WatercolorPainting #LeslieSaeta DAY 1-STUDY:
SIZE: 6-3/8“ x 9-7/8” $75.00 plus shipping and handling. If you are interested in purchasing this study please email me [email protected] This was a watercolor study I was working on today in my studio. The subject matter was a crisp, cold morning I discovered during a hike not far from our cabin in the Great Northwoods of Wisconsin last winter. My goal in this study was to experiment with the composition. Value can force your eye to move around the watercolor along with shape, form, and line direction. And I know colors can be a significant influence but it is secondary. I am always intrigued by the temperature of a snow scene. Being a snow scene, anything white is cooler near you and get warmer as you recede into the background. If this were a summer scene, the foreground would be warmer, and as you travel back, your painting would become cooler and grayer. I was using this knowledge I feel I got more depth in this watercolor snow scene. I used a limited color palette: • Raw sienna • Burnt sienna • Cobalt blue • Ultramarine blue Paper: 300 pound Arches coldpress I try not to complicate the watercolor study process by working with too many colors on my palette. With this combination, I was able to get deep, dark colors along with soft cools. I felt this was a perfect combination for what I was trying to achieve. #30paintingsin30days #DalePopovich #Watercolor #WatercolorPainting #LeslieSaeta |
Dale L Popovich IWSDale is an award-winning watercolorist and teacher passionate about capturing the raw beauty of the American landscape with the fluid stroke of a brush. As you will see, the works selected in his portfolio represent the depth of his holistic approach to painting. You can also learn with this talented and experienced teacher through his workshops, Palette & Chisel, and Popovich Studio classes. Archives
November 2024