THE WORKSHOP I was invited back to the Lakeland Art League for a Full-Day Workshop on October 3rd, 2019. I want to thank all for attending in Minocqua, Wisconsin. I am always impressed with this group of artists. All of you did a great job and should be proud of your accomplishments. It was requested for this workshop I do a demonstration to a finished painting using the entire day. Since we were in the middle of colorama in the Great Northwoods it seemed appropriate we do an autumn painting. I choose a fall scene from my personal collection of photographs. It was of a country road that wandered through the golden woods and downhill a sleepy dirt road. The only thing that the students were allowed to draw was the road in perspective. From that point, I began painting large mass areas of value and color. SUPPLIES Colors The colors used for this autumnal painting were:
Paper The paper I was working with was a 300-pound Indigo paper which can only be ordered from This is a wonderfully textured paper and also flexible for painting different subjects. Remember one must be careful with this paper – it's a softer paper and cannot take the scrubbing that Arches 300-pound can handle. But it has a beautiful handmade feel and look. If you want to see my complete supply list go to my Supply List & Library Page on this website. I try to update often with new materials and my thoughts about products out there. HERE'S SOME LINKS Here are the links to supplies and books I talked about during our time together. I have linked the products so it will be easy to find.
AFFILIATE DISCLOSURES Amazon: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. THE PAINT-ALONG The point of this painting was to establish all the tree masses and the road before thinking about the secondary masses. Within the second washes, dark patterns became more established in the road edges more defined. I began working up into the trees with the subtle darks and changes in temperature of color. Using cadmium yellow medium and alizarin crimson gave the painter simulations of autumn oranges From this point in the watercolor painting, I placed trees where they were needed compositionally starting in the background with a lighter, grayer and cooler trees. Working forward with more tree trunks they became darker and warmer in temperature. Branches were placed where needed and dark accents were added into the foliage. To give the road more distinction I added the proverbial ruts to define the road just a little bit further. I also felt the painting must tell a story so the viewer stays around a bit longer. During the day, I shared visual examples, past experiences and splashed with humor. All of this was done in a one-day workshop with questions throughout the day. At the end of the day, I like to reward my students with a painting and this time Lisa Krueger won a Fine Art Giclée Prints, Cabin on the Pond. Watercolor. I also donated a watercolor painting to the Lakeland Art League. Each year they raise money for a scholarship supporting the artists of tomorrow. I'm more than happy to help such a noble cause. FINAL NOTE I have taught over 2300 students in my 41+ years. My teaching style is clear and simple. The student will experience a unique step-by-step instruction in transparent watercolor. Teaching as a paint-along allows the student to watch, go back and recreate what was just painted. My experience with this technique of sharing information allows the artist to retain more instruction. I also stress to my students to ask as many questions as they wish while I'm is painting. There is no such thing as a stupid question. I also encourage the student not to only take notes but to snap pictures with their cameras. I feel sharing my knowledge in all ways is the key to excellent learning. IN CONCLUSION
I want to thank Lisa and Deb for organizing this workshop for the Lakeland Art League. It’s always a pleasure to work with this fine group of passionate artists. As always I had a really great time. ©Dale L Popovich all rights reserve
Dale L Popovich IWSDale is an award-winning watercolorist and teacher passionate about capturing the raw beauty of the American landscape with the fluid stroke of a brush. As you will see, the works selected in his portfolio represent the depth of his holistic approach to painting. You can also learn with this talented and experienced teacher through his workshops, Palette & Chisel, and Popovich Studio classes. Archives
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