Please join Dale for his One-Man Show at McCord Gallery & Cultural Center in Palos Park, IL August 3 - September 4 Pre-Reception: August 7, 4 pm CST, broadcast on Facebook Live Reception: August 7, 6 pm CST
NOTE: THIS VIDEO WAS FIRST BROADCASTED ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE. BECAUSE OF THE INTERNET AND BAND USAGE THE IMAGE GETS BLURRY. SORRY. I had my fourth Watercolor Escape Saturday last weekend on April 11th. If you are new to this my wife, Marilee and I are committed to broadcasting a Facebook Live every Saturday at noon CST till our lives kinda get back to some type of normal. We want to offer an escape even for an hour or two. Reference In this week's blog post I have included the video now on YouTube (edited as a paint-along) and my demo notes. Here's what you will find:
To learn more about my brushes and tried and true supplies head over to my Supply List & Library page. Click on the Supply List above for my personal printable list. The Video We have edited and added more information to the Facebook Live video. Click on the button and head over to my YouTube page. Don't forget to subscribe to my page. and leave a comment. The Painting A few weeks back one of my online watchers asked if I would do some rocks. So I thought I would paint rocks with a waterfall showing them how to recompose a photo and leave out the unimportant and how one could be left with the essentials of the photo. My main goal of this painting was not only the rocks but how to handle the water flowing over and around them. How layering the watercolor and the colors themselves could be applied to have the illusion of the water flowing over the rocks and moving down the falls. In finishing the waterfalls I used a razor blade to create the spatter of water and get a better feeling for the overall movement of the water. I spent a little bit more time back in the studio after the Facebook Live broadcast. I added some key values and colors to push the water out towards the viewer. I also took the liberty of adding gouache with color added to give a little bit more volume and dimension. ![]() The Location Yondota Falls in the UP of Michigan. MAP. The falls are located deep in the forest of Marenisco Township, MI, and are part of the Presque Isle River. Yondota Falls is a short walk from Copps Mine Road at the bridge over the Presque Isle River. The dynamics of the water flowing are ever-changing almost like a fine bottle of wine from year to year. No two years are alike. We have been hiking there for nearly 13 years during all four seasons. During that time the water is stained with tannic acid from the tamarack trees giving the water a weak coffee color. Yandota Falls is a series of falls, so be sure you walk far enough to see them all. The trail is not long but does drop in elevation along the river, so the uphill return hike may make this a moderately difficult trail.
I have supplied additional websites below with more information I depend on and great photos to help you plan your trip look below.
In Conclusion That's it for now. I hope we will see you next Saturday at noon CST on my Facebook page for another Watercolor Escape Saturdays. Remember to leave a comment below, tell me what you think and what you would like to see in the future. Wash your hands and your brushes, Dale Note About Copyright
During this last broadcast of Watercolor Escape Saturdays, I was asked about copyright of these paint-alongs. You have permission to use and paint these reference materials. But you don't have permission to use it as a teaching tool to instruct others. In addition, your finished painting cannot be used in an art competition or show. This is solely used as a learning tool. AFFILIATE DISCLOSURES Amazon: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Blick Art Supplies: I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. ![]() Well, as you have probably figured I'm just like you with this CORID-19. Back in the good old days, two and a half weeks ago I was teaching my weekly classes, planning open house demos, group gallery shows, art league meetings, getting ready for 2020 workshops and framing work for a one-man show. In a week or so I say my well, planned year vaporizes at least for the next month or so.
From there Marilee said let's go sightseeing. We headed over to Strack & VanTil, a large local grocer in Northwest Indiana to see if they were wiped out too. The parking lot was full more than any Thanksgiving I can remember, the cart corrals were empty, all the registers were open and the lines extended to the back of the store! The managers looked as surprised as us. They worked swiftly and with a pleasant smile. Produce was well stocked, along with most everything else. The shoppers' carts were heaped full of paper products, pizzas, and white bread. The Hispanic food aisle was empty but the baby diapers were hardly touched. It took both of us two hours to process what we experienced. The next day we rehashed how the world was changing because of the virus and what could we do locked-up in our house. My wife, Marilee calls this the newest episode of The Twilight Zone. I know these are challenging times but we are creative folk who often are self-distancing ourselves in our studios anyway. Frankly, we can handle this better than most. We talked about going to the Northwoods but sadly we got a notice for snowbirds and second homeowners to stay away from Vilas County. Well, I figured I am in my studio trying some new reference materials and color palettes with this new free time. We then thought with the beauty of social media we could help folks by sharing my watercolor wisdom. I opened my studio door this past Saturday, March 21, 2020, at high noon est time on my Facebook live business page - Observer Artist Watercolorist Dale L Popovich IWS. I will do this till we are over this crisis. MARCH 21, 2020 DEMONSTRATION NOTES
Robert J Krajecki IWS, TWSA must-have books three books I highly recommend. Click on the titles to read more.
![]() THREE WATERCOLOR COLOR STUDIES I highly recommend doing color studies of your painting. As I explained in the demo experiment with color combinations, value patterns, and composition. Each of these took 15-20 minutes. Be loose and free– no details. -300 lb Indigo paper - Watercolor Paints: 3-color limited palette, see each sketch for colors. AFFILIATE DISCLOSURES:
Amazon: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. UPDATE: |
First of all, Mainstreet is nestled in the quaint town of Lake Zurich, IL. Frankie Johnson, Owner, and Director has owned Mainstreet for almost 26 years. She is an accomplished master painter with over 40 years of experience in oil painting and pastels. She shares this knowledge with her students and it shows. I am always amazed at the talent that comes out of this art school Checkout Frankie's personal studio site. |
Let me show you how to ignite your passion for watercolor. In this 3-day workshop, the student will experience my unique step-by-step instruction in transparent watercolor. Exploring the beauty of nature, and gain a deeper, richer understanding of the techniques, properties, and tools of this unique medium. Students will learn how to block in the painting, interpret color, values and temperatures. Use different processes of watercolor: work wet-into-wet as well as wet-on-to-dry. Understand the importance of a focal point and how to place it. He will also share his secrets to bring your painting to a new level.
Landscape photo references will be supplied by the instructor. Supply list will be handed-out at registration. If you have any questions please email me.
How to Block-In and Cover the Whole Sheet in the First Wash
From start to finish I took approximately 1-1/5 hours of painting/lecture time. The point I wanted to drive home to my class was to be fearless and lay color down, blocking the entire sheet in the first wash. I have my students work with one-quarter of a sheet of watercolor paper till they build up the confidence and experience for a larger painting. This particular painting I used Kilimanjaro 300 lb. cold-pressed off-white natural paper. This is an excellent paper to work with.
I have had a lot of success instructing my students with a paint-along demos. This way they watch what I do in step 1: the block-in and they then can recreate it while I am with them answering questions. I remember there was nothing more frustrating to watch my instructor create a painting from start to finish and then turning us loose, try to recreate the same painting or subject matter later that day and forget how he handed the block-in, establishing secondary masses and the final details.
The photo I used for this watercolor painting was taken during a ten-day trip with my brother, Lee, his wife, Margo, and Marilee. We flew to Alaska around the end of August 2006. We decided to drive through the interior of Alaska instead of a cruise. This way we could experience all the sights, textures, and get an intimate view of the local color. We landed in Anchorage and traveled south to Seward enjoying this coastal town and spending the night in a quaint log cabin. The next day we took a daylong cruise and was totally in awe of the fjords and icebergs. From there we headed back north to Anchorage for the State Fair, Farmer’s Market, and the Anchorage Museum to see the works by Sydney Laurence, American Landscape painter. Then north to Wasilla and Fishhook. This was a portion of our trip. Denali and our plane trip around Mt Mckinley is for another time.
This image was taken up by Hatcher Pass in early September which was during the peak of their autumn at an abandoned gold mine.. We took a beautiful drive along Willow Fishhook Road and then Hatcher Pass Road to get there. In fact this was one of the last pictures I took with my trusty Minolta film camera. Shot 20 rolls of film. Marilee shot over 2000 with her new Nikon D200 DSLR.
Hatcher Pass is a mountain pass through the southwest part of the Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska. It is named after Robert Hatcher, a prospector and miner. To learn more about Hatcher Pass CLICK HERE.
I started with a pencil drawing lightly, sketched onto the watercolor paper. I recommend a 2B pencil. Don’t go crazy drawing every detail, just lay down the basic shapes making sure your perspective is spot-on. Get it right in the pencil drawing because it will be very difficult if near impossible to correct later.
I shared with the students how to block in this particular subject matter with the background coming to the middle ground and then the foreground. I painted around the buildings at first. Then went into the buildings to cover the painting completely. The colors used were:
- Alizarin crimson
- Cobalt blue
- Ultramarine blue
- Burnt sienna
- Olive green
- Raw sienna
The second pass at the painting I went back to the mountains in the background starting to form the secondary shapes and areas coming towards the foreground and the ledge behind the buildings. I then went into the foreground trying to keep the background cooler and grayer and the foreground warmer and more intense. Altering the temperature in your painting helps you with aerial perspective.
The third phase of the painting I started to develop the background to show more changes in value and modeled the slopes softening the middle area of the mountains. Then I came down to the ledge directly behind the buildings and began modeling the darker darks within that ledge to separate it from the background. I start to develop highly textured areas in the foreground. Working into the building, establishing value changes from the light side of building to the dark side, the cast shadow created by the building, and a small path for interest. I continued adding some of the detail in the building with windows, smoke coming out of the chimney, and a little bit more detail on the building off to the left.

Demo Day's give you a first hand opportunity to see the instructors teaching and painting styles. You can ask questions and really understand each artist's philosophies. You can find the my demo on my Facebook page, Observer Artist Watercolorist Dale L Popovich IWS. We broadcasted a Facebook live.
Voyage Chicago saw my demo and included my painting in an article about Chicago Artists. Well, recently they approached me about doing an in depth interview for their artist & creative focused series calledThe Thought Provokers. Here's a link to the interview Voyage Chicago.
I took the art league through my classical approach of watercolor painting to a full house of members and guests. I started with photo reference on my iPad and a pencil sketch on 300 lb. Arches watercolor paper. I took my one-inch brush and immediately laid down bold color washes. Then I explained every stroke along the way adding my usual stories and humor throughout the demo. Over the course of an hour I turned a white sheet of paper into a snow covered rural Midwest farm scene adding a little gouache for the snowflakes.. After several minutes of question and answers The demo was raffled.
I couldn't be happier to let you know two of my Elmhurst Art Museum Tuesday morning Watercolor Studio students won awards on their watercolor paintings at this year's The Elmhurst Artists' Guild Spring Member's Show. Joan Heimanek won Best of Show and Robert V Bunda received an Honorable Mention. Way to go guys, I'm so proud of you!
Show runs through April 20th at EAM (MAP) - WEBSITE.
"I remember working on the painting later to be named "In the Early Morning Sun" in Dale's class. He suggested a couple of changes that I truly believe helped make the picture award worthy to the judge. One was to soften the edges of the sun that I had painted starkly and too white. Also, he suggested I add depth to the grasses by using a deep green in between the blades. People at the show commented that it was hard to believe that watercolor was the medium because the colors were so rich. Thanks again to Dale for his input." | "Dale’s classes have been a major influence in developing my watercolor painting through a couple of different ways. First, his use of class demonstrations and “paint-alongs” in which one can see the steps it takes to build a painting. This not only shows the steps, it also gives insight into different brush techniques and color theory. I also find invaluable his critical eye and suggestions for improvement of my work." |
If you missed this amazing event mark your calendar for early next February 2019.
Here’s all the demos that took place at the P&C.
February 17, 2018
Main Gallery
10 - 12 pm: Larry Paulsen - Drawing Facial Features
1 - 4 pm: William Schneider - Portrait Painting
Second Floor
10:30 am - 12 pm: Dale L Popovich - Watercolor
February 24, 2018
Main Gallery
10:30 am - 12 pm: Helen Oh - Still Life in Oils
1 - 4 pm: Michael Van Zeyl - Still Life in Oils
Second Floor
9 am - 3 pm: Steve Puttrich - Watercolor
10 am - 12:30 pm: Lenin Delsol - Portrait Painting
Exhibition: February 9 - 26
Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
Address: 1012 N Dearborn St, Chicago, IL 60610
Phone: (312) 642-4400
1012 N. Dearborn • Chicago IL 60610 • P (312)642-4400 • F (312)642-4317 • [email protected]
Office Hours Monday-Thursday • 10:30am-6:30pm • Friday 10:30am-5:00pm •

The class was made up of beginners and intermediates. LOLA has quite a great reputation to offer quality class for all ages thanks to WENDY POWALISZ, Programming Director.
Wendy said there had been great interest in a drawing class with a focus on simple perspective. So I created a specially tailored workshop just for them called Learn How to Draw Structures Fast and Easy, Then Paint in Full-Color Watercolor.
First half of the day I demonstrated and shared basic linear perspective theory with simple structures. They also learn two-point perspective and recreated what I shared with them by creating simple drawings.
In the second half of the day the class applied the knowledge in a transparent watercolor painting. During this session they developed a snow scene using the two-point perspective from the morning. They gained an understanding of working from foreground to background, large to small and temperature changes in the snow scene.
The day flew by, lost of questions were asked and my final watercolor demo painting was raffled off. Thanks LOLA for another great workshop.
From there I went back to our cabin, talked about my day with Marilee and took my best girl out for dinner. Life is good.
Dale L Popovich IWS
Dale is an award-winning watercolorist and teacher passionate about capturing the raw beauty of the American landscape with the fluid stroke of a brush. As you will see, the works selected in his portfolio represent the depth of his holistic approach to painting. You can also learn with this talented and experienced teacher through his workshops, Palette & Chisel, and Popovich Studio classes.
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October 2023
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January 2021
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April 2020
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July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
February 2019
January 2019
September 2018
August 2018
July 2018
June 2018
May 2018
April 2018
March 2018
February 2018
January 2018
1 Day Watercolor Workshop
1-day Watercolor Workshop
2020 Watercolor Workshop
2025 Workshop
2 Day Watercolor Workshop
2-day Watercolor Workshop
3 Day Watercolor Workshop
4 Day Watercolor Workshop
Alyson A Stanfield
Annapolis Watercolor Club
Art Business
Artist Helping Artists
Art League Demo
Block In
Brown County Art Gallery
Chesterton Art Center
Dale L Popovich
Dale Popovich
Dale Popovich YouTube Channel
Dillman's 4 Day Workshop
Dillman's 4-day Workshop
Door County
Drawing And Painting
Elmhurst Artists' Guild
Elmhurst Art Museum
Eric Rhoads
Establishing Secondary Masses In Watrcolor
Facebook Live
Golden Paints
Indiana Heritage Arts
Indigo Paper
Irving Shapiro
John F Carlson
Kilimanjaro 300 Lb
Lakeland Art League
Landscape Painting
Leslie Saeta
Linear Perspective
LOLA Land 'O Lakes Arts
Mainstreet Art Center
Margaret Sheldon
McCord Gallery
Next Picture Show
One Day Workshop
One-Day Workshop
One-Man Show
Paint Along
Painting Landscapes In Watercolor
Painting Nature
Painting Reflections
Painting Water
Palette & Chisel Academy Of Fine Art
Peninsula School Of Art
Photo Reference
Plein Air Painters Chicago
QoR Watercolor Paints
QoR Watercolors
Robert J Krajecki
The Final Details In Watercolor Painting
Transparent Watercolor Painting
Voyage Chicago
Watercolor And Pastels
Watercolor Basics
Watercolor Class
Watercolor Demo
Watercolor Demonstration
Watercolor Escape Saturdays
Watercolor Painting
Watercolor Paints
Watercolor Paper
Watercolor Society Of Indiana
Watercolor Studies
Watercolor Teacher
Watercolor Waterfalls
Watercolor Workshop