Watercolor Study
Size: 6-1/2" x 10" $30.00 plus shipping and handling. If you are interested in purchasing this study, please email me [email protected] I did this very quick sketch in my studio class without drawing the subject matter first. It was an exercise for my students to paint more direct without pencil lines to follow. I did explain this was just an exercise to free them from the structure of a drawing to follow. Always keeping the focus on large value shapes. I find for beginning students that doing smaller paintings helps to gain control of the watercolor faster. Bigger is never better when one is starting out. You must learn the process. Limited three-color palette
Paper: Arches 300 pound cold press #dalepopovich #watercolorpainting #watercolors #watercolorwaterfalls #dalepopovichartist #toweringwindsacademyoffinearts #30in30 #ArchesWatercolorPaper #DickBlick
Watercolor Study
Size: 6-1/2" x 10" $30.00 plus shipping and handling. If you are interested in purchasing this study, please email me [email protected] This was a quick sketch out the window of my Jeep overlooking a small lake. I saw this scene and had to capture it. I knew my camera would not pick up the mood I was seeing at the time. Thank goodness I had my painting materials with me. The intriguing part of the scene to me was the cloud formation above the lake. The sun was setting quickly so I spent 15 minutes on this particular sketch. Always keep your studio or you’re plein air paintings simple, direct, and spontaneous. You can do a quick color value sketch, like this one which is most important to your painting before you start with your brush. It creates the roadmap for a more successful painting.
#dalepopovich #watercolorpainting #watercolors #watercolorwaterfalls #dalepopovichartist #toweringwindsacademyoffinearts #30in30 #ArchesWatercolorPaper #DickBlick WATERCOLOR STUDY
Not for sale This was the second version of day 13. I tried this variation in my studio and as you can see what happened when you overthink your subject matter. This was also painted upside-down. The second watercolor study is more involved with detail, too many trees in the background, and too many branches on the pine tree. I always tell my students that I do make mistakes, and I usually don’t show them, but I feel it’s crucial in this case. I became too ambitious with my subject matter, got carried away with detail, and lost the essence of my subject matter. So my suggestion is to keep it simple. If you have a hard time doing this place your photograph 6 to 8 feet away from you and this will help diminish the detail, and you will see the larger value patterns easily. Limited palette: 4-colors:
Paper: Indigo Artpapers Handmade Watercolor Paper Size: 10” x 14” #dalepopovich #watercolorpainting #watercolors #watercolorwaterfalls #dalepopovichartist #toweringwindsacademyoffinearts #30in30 #IndigoHandmadeWatercolorPaper #DickBlick WATERCOLOR DEMONSTRATION
Size: 7-1/4" x 12-1/8" $50.00 plus shipping and handling. If you are interested in purchasing this study, please email me [email protected] This watercolor painting of summer pines. I found the subject matter at the end of the open field just before the woods reclaimed a nearby farm. I did this as a demonstration for my students today. To tell you the truth I have painted this scene before. but today I wanted to try something different. The challenge I gave myself and my students was to paint upside-down focusing on the composition and not the subject matter. Using mostly greens, one yellow and one blue gave this painting more of a calming effect that was pleasing to the eye. This color palette helped unify the painting. My intent for this watercolor was to do it quickly, simply with direct and spontaneous brushstrokes. I added light valued tree trunks in the background to help break up the tree line. This painting took approximately 30 minutes.
Paper: 300 pound Indigo Handmade watercolor paper #dalepopovich #watercolorpainting #watercolors #watercolorwaterfalls #dalepopovichartist #toweringwindsacademyoffinearts #30in30 #IndigoHandmadeWatercolorPaper #DickBlick ![]()
There is something magical about the shoreline of this tranquil cove on the shores of Lake Superior near Copper Harbor in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I had taken a photo of this area several years ago, but I had the opportunity to revisit this beautiful spot two weeks ago. If you have a chance to visit its worth the trip. Make sure you have a lot of memory cards for your camera. One of your stops has to be The Jampot. The scenery and wide selection of homemade jams, jellies and preserves and fresh bakery and fruitcakes are a spiritual experience. The Jampot is run by Catholic Byzantine Rite, and you can see their fantastic monastery north of the bakery on the shores of Lake Superior in the Keweenaw Bay. Watch this four-minute video produced by Under the Radar Michigan. At the end of the video the host said if you are looking for the heavenly stairway to jams and baked good than making a pilgrimage to The Jampot (MAP. ) All I can say is Amen. Other stops include:
Okay, now you know how I spent part of my summer vacation. Let’s talk watercolor. The first painting I put in a square format to see how the subject matter would work. The second painting I put in a vertical format to suggest a different proportion for the subject matter. As you can see between the two not only the proportions of the frame but I changed trees along the shoreline. I find that the second version in the vertical format is much stronger a composition and also more pleasing to the eye. The rocks forming a curve near the front of the composition leading to the back leads the eye better. Simplification of the trees off to the right in the second painting allows the eye to pass easily towards the focal point. The first painting did not allow this type of movement. Also, handling of the trees on the right-hand side allowed a better mingling of shapes and values and colors. In both paintings the colors used are in a limited palette: 6-colors:
#dalepopovich #watercolorpainting #watercolors #jampot #dalepopovichartist #toweringwindsacademyoffinearts #30in30 #copperharbor #upperreninsulaofmichigan WATERCOLOR STUDY.
$50.00 plus shipping and handling. If you are interested in purchasing this study please email me [email protected] The study was done in approximately 45 minutes. It’s a tiny section of a series of waterfalls called Kakabika in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan bit.ly/popovich-kakabika-watercolors. When we first visited this waterfalls, there was very little water flowing over the rocks and boulders. We were in a 10-year drought at that time and many of the rivers, streams, and lakes we’re extremely low. So I took advantage of all the exposed rock and characteristics of the small waterfalls in the long ravine. The idea of this watercolor sketch was to push the values around the waterfall to create a stronger focal point. I did use a razor blade to pick out the splashing of the water onto the rocks. Through the years I have recognized during my repeated visits to different locations that it is like wine. Each time is different and sometimes an unexpected surprise. I raise my glass to Mother Nature. Limited palette: 5-colors:
Paper: Indigo Cold Press 240 pound Size: 9-1/2” x 11” #dalepopovich #watercolorpainting #watercolors #watercolorwaterfalls #dalepopovichartist #toweringwindsacademyoffinearts #30in30 PlEIN AIR WATERCOLOR STUDY.
$50.00 plus shipping and handling. If you are interested in purchasing this study please email me [email protected] I used a hot press, handmade paper from an Indiana Artisan in Brookston, Indiana, TwinRocker.com. I recommend ordering their three sheets sampler of 8" x 10" white watercolor paper, one of each surface: cold press, hot press and rough. Watercolor Sampler Set is $12.50 for $12.50 plus shipping and handling. Working on this handmade watercolor paper was a different painting experience. Lifting pigment was a little easier, but then the surface became a little slicker. To tell you the truth this painting was done last Saturday afternoon while I was at our cabin in northern Wisconsin. This plein air painting was done with the flies, a few mosquitoes, and pleasant wind. I had been painting the last few water paintings from photos, and I felt I needed to go out and study the movement of water in person. This was a rapid scene with rocks and turbulent water in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. There had been abundant rain in the last month. I intended to do a quick study of how the water flows and moves around the rocks. This watercolor study was achieved in approximately 30 minutes of painting. My intent was to kept the palette simple because I felt I could concentrate on the subject matter without getting involved with too much – just focusing on the value. Limited palette: 3-colors + white gouache:
SIZE: 8-1/8” x 13” #dalepopovich #watercolorpainting #watercolors #watercolorwaterfalls #dalepopovichartist #toweringwindsacademyoffinearts #30in30 #Twin Rocker. DAY 9: STUDY. SIZE: 5-7/8” x 9-1/4” $50.00 plus shipping and handling. If you are interested in purchasing this study please email me [email protected] I woke up this morning thinking about yesterday’s watercolor. I felt there was so much more to explore. So today I’m focusing on the other side of Bond Falls to gather a different insight from the study on Day 8 see below. The patterns of the falling water was different from the previous day’s painting. Of course, the time of day, reflections from the surrounding area, the color of the rocks, and the quantity of water flow can dramatically make a difference. The pattern of values changed because of the angle of light. It took me 30 minutes to go down the falls and cross over and up to the same spot where I was before. If you have a chance to visit Bond Falls wear good walking shoes.
I used the same limited palette from Day 8: Limited, 4-colors:
Paper: 300 pound Arches cold press #dalepopovich #watercolorpainting #watercolors #watercolorwaterfalls #dalepopovichartist #toweringwindsacademyoffinearts #30in30 ![]() DAY 8: WATERCOLOR STUDY SIZE: 5-3/4” x 9” $50.00 plus shipping and handling. If you are interested in purchasing this study please email me [email protected] Yes, another waterfall! I enjoy painting water. I can spend all day chasing, photographing, and studying water. There is something magical the way it falls and flows. I’ve been painting for 40 years and I always find something new and inspiring to capture back in my studio. This watercolor study also was a 40-minute study. My focus for this painting was the light and dark patterns to get the effect I was looking for in this watercolor. This waterfall is Bond Falls in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, this part is above the main falls. (MAP) ![]() I have had many students ask how I find so many beautiful waterfalls. Well, I have two books in my library I use for waterfall hunting in the Northern Midwest, Both found on Amazon:
I also like www.gowaterfalling.com. The author and photographer haS posted many of the waterfalls in the Great Lakes area including Ontario, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Unfortunately, the website was not built for viewing easily on your smartphone. My wife said it should be a responsive site where it flows to fit the device it’s viewed on. I’m glad she understands this stuff. Well, needless to say, you will have to zoom in and view. But the site is worth it and it is up to date — the last update was Sept 3, 2018. There is an impressive wealth of information and photos. Bookmark this site.
Limited palette: 4-colors:
#dalepopovich #watercolorpainting #watercolors #watercolorwaterfalls #dalepopovichartist #toweringwindsacademyoffinearts #30in30 #paletteandchiselacademyoffineart DAY 7: WATERCOLOR STUDY.
SIZE: 5-1/2” x 8” NFS This 40-minute watercolor study represents a small section of Bond Falls in the western half of the Upper Peninsula, Michigan. Our cabin is about an hour south of this magnificent waterfalls. I’ve visited this area dozens of times since I was a child – during the high waters and droughts – spring, summer, fall, and winter. Always impressive. This study was rendered half opaque and have transparent watercolor. Again simplify the subject was my intent – no details. Limited palette, 4-colors:
#watercolorpainting #watercolors #dalepopovichartist #30paintingsin30days #DalePopovich #Watercolor #WatercolorPainting #LeslieSaeta #toweringwindsacademyoffinearts |
Dale L Popovich IWSDale is an award-winning watercolorist and teacher passionate about capturing the raw beauty of the American landscape with the fluid stroke of a brush. As you will see, the works selected in his portfolio represent the depth of his holistic approach to painting. You can also learn with this talented and experienced teacher through his workshops, Palette & Chisel, and Popovich Studio classes. Archives
November 2024