![]() This past Wednesday, November 13th, I had the joy of leading a Fall demo for the Annapolis Watercolor Club, and let me tell you, it was such a meaningful experience. They’re celebrating their Golden Anniversary this coming year, and their request for a painting filled with autumn golds couldn’t have been more fitting. There’s something so inspiring about blending the season’s richness with the significance of their milestone. ![]() I sent them a reference packet in addvance so if the members could paint along with me. This includes:
![]() I’m delighted to announce that I have been invited back to host an engaging two-day Zoom workshop for their members this coming January 2025. This will be my second time working with this incredible group, and I couldn’t be more excited about the opportunity to reconnect and collaborate on something extraordinary. I’m also pleased to share that this workshop will be open to my wonderful patrons, making it an excellent chance for all of us to come together. I’m busy fine-tuning all the details to ensure an enriching experience for everyone involved. Be sure to check back in a few weeks for updates, as I’ll share more information soon. I can hardly wait to gather again, this time from the cozy comfort of our individual spaces, as we immerse ourselves in the beauty of art and cultivate a strong sense of community.
Painting Water Reflections and Nature in Watercolor ![]() Dale L. Popovich IWS will be offering a two-day Beginning/Intermediate Watercolor Workshop on Saturday, April 24th and Saturday, May 8th from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. In this Zoom workshop students will walk away with a better understanding of transparent watercolor. He will be teaching his personal step-by-step process of how to start and finish a watercolor. Dale will concentrate on reflections of water. Students will acquire an understanding of how reflections of the shorelines reflect into the water, and how to interpret them. He will also give participants an understanding of the values, temperatures, intensities, and hues, and how they react as a reflection. A better understanding of how to cross mixed colors that best capture the reflections in the water will be demonstrated. In this process, he will illustrate how to block-in and build a painting properly. Students will experience various applications of watercolor, color palette, properties of watercolor, tools, and techniques. Dale’s objective through the step-by-step instruction will show how to avoid watercolor problems and grow as a painter. Workshop #1, April 24th, Dale will conduct a 2.5-hour painting workshop on Zoom stopping between steps and answering questions along the way. During the painting process, photos will be taken of each step. The photos will be added to the original packet creating the Popovich’s Start-to-Finish packet. Workshop #2, May 8th, Dale will lead a Zoom Group Critique sharing his screen with students. During this time, he will walk artists through two paintings and answer any additional questions. Tuition is $115 for members and $135 for non-members. Supplies are not included in this workshop. After payment is received, a supply list will be provided. In addition, a full reference packet will be sent prior to the workshop which will also include the Zoom links. Students must register and pay before the first class. To register stop in, call, or visit the website at www.chestertonart.org or Eventbrite.com (search Chesterton Art Center). For questions, please call the Chesterton Art Center at 219-926-4711. The Chesterton Art Center is located at 115 S. 4th St., Chesterton, IN 46304. For a list of all classes being offered at the Art Center, please see the website www.chestertonart.org. ![]() Well, as you have probably figured I'm just like you with this CORID-19. Back in the good old days, two and a half weeks ago I was teaching my weekly classes, planning open house demos, group gallery shows, art league meetings, getting ready for 2020 workshops and framing work for a one-man show. In a week or so I say my well, planned year vaporizes at least for the next month or so.
From there Marilee said let's go sightseeing. We headed over to Strack & VanTil, a large local grocer in Northwest Indiana to see if they were wiped out too. The parking lot was full more than any Thanksgiving I can remember, the cart corrals were empty, all the registers were open and the lines extended to the back of the store! The managers looked as surprised as us. They worked swiftly and with a pleasant smile. Produce was well stocked, along with most everything else. The shoppers' carts were heaped full of paper products, pizzas, and white bread. The Hispanic food aisle was empty but the baby diapers were hardly touched. It took both of us two hours to process what we experienced. The next day we rehashed how the world was changing because of the virus and what could we do locked-up in our house. My wife, Marilee calls this the newest episode of The Twilight Zone. I know these are challenging times but we are creative folk who often are self-distancing ourselves in our studios anyway. Frankly, we can handle this better than most. We talked about going to the Northwoods but sadly we got a notice for snowbirds and second homeowners to stay away from Vilas County. Well, I figured I am in my studio trying some new reference materials and color palettes with this new free time. We then thought with the beauty of social media we could help folks by sharing my watercolor wisdom. I opened my studio door this past Saturday, March 21, 2020, at high noon est time on my Facebook live business page - Observer Artist Watercolorist Dale L Popovich IWS. I will do this till we are over this crisis. MARCH 21, 2020 DEMONSTRATION NOTES
Robert J Krajecki IWS, TWSA must-have books three books I highly recommend. Click on the titles to read more.
![]() THREE WATERCOLOR COLOR STUDIES I highly recommend doing color studies of your painting. As I explained in the demo experiment with color combinations, value patterns, and composition. Each of these took 15-20 minutes. Be loose and free– no details. -300 lb Indigo paper - Watercolor Paints: 3-color limited palette, see each sketch for colors. AFFILIATE DISCLOSURES:
Amazon: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I hope you got inspired last Saturday at the Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts Demo Days. As you can see there is a huge amount of talent at the P&C waiting to share their skills and mentor students like you. I truly enjoy sharing my 40+ years of drawing and painting experiences with my students. I am so passionate about watercolor and I enjoy sharing my knowledge and love of the medium. I hope you saw that on Saturday.
Final Painting ![]() Here's the final demonstration. This took a little over an hour. I encourage the viewers to ask questions throughout the process. And I have no problem with people taking photos and videos. I used QoR Watercolors and 300 lb. indigo watercolor paper. Remember I had mentioned a blog post from last year where I reviewed QoR paints. READ MY POST AND VIEW VIDEO HERE There was around 45 minutes left. I was asked for a second demo and I was more than happy to share more. Sorry, we didn't capture a photo of the snow scene I did but here's a work in progress. Saturday, February 22 schedule will feature: Clayton J. Beck III (10:00 am - 1:00 pm, Portrait in Oils) Audry Cramblit (10:00 am – 12:30 pm, Sculpture) Steve Puttrich (1 - 4 pm, Watercolor) Michael Van Zeyl (1 - 4 pm, Lecture on Painting Surfaces). Please RSVP to [email protected] or call 312-642-4400. PALETTE & CHISEL Academy of Fine Arts MAP 1012 N. Dearborn • Chicago IL 60610 P (312) 642-4400 • F (312) 642-4317 E [email protected] Office Hours Monday-Thursday • 10:30 am-6:30pm • Friday 10:30 am-5:00 pm paletteandchisel.org Here are My 2020 Spring/Summer Classes at The Palette & Chisel CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO GET A DOWNLOADABLE FLYER
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Blick Art Supplies: I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.
In conjunction with our Faculty Show, several Palette & Chisel instructors will conduct demonstrations. I am honored to participate for the third year in a row. I will be broadcasting on Facebook Live. Here's the line-up.
Saturday, February 16 schedule will feature: • Audry Cramblit 9:30 am - 12 pm, Sculpture • Helen Oh (10:00 am - 12 pm, Palette Knife Still Life • Dale Popovich 10:30 am - 12 pm, Watercolor • Larry Paulsen (1 - 4 pm, Portrait Drawing Saturday, February 23 schedule will feature: • Lenin Delsol 9 - 11:30 am, Oil Painting Portrait • Stuart Fullerton, 12 - 1 pm, Palette & Chisel History Lecture • Steve Puttrich 1 - 3:30 pm, Watercolor • Michael Van Zeyl :30 - 4 pm, Still Life Oil Painting Please RSVP to [email protected] or call 312-642-4400. Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts 1012 N Dearborn St, Chicago, Illinois 60610 MAP Phone: 312-642-4400 Fax: 312 642 4317 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 10:30am - 6:30pm In this YouTube watercolor video demonstration, I am going to share with you how easy it is to draw up your pencil on watercolor paper. I am not a fan of graphite paper because it is messy. Instead, a 2B pencil and a kneaded eraser are all you need. Here's a link to my full supply list – go to bit.ly/watercolor-supplies
Any questions, leave me a comment. I would be more than happy to talk watercolor and drawing. While you are here check out my website. You will find: • My current paintings • Workshops and demonstrations dates and locations • My teaching schedule in the Chicagoland area • Online Gallery • Online watercolor courses • Link to my Newsletter • and more And, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. ![]() I want to thank the Peninsula School of Art for the fantastic opportunity this earlier this month. The 2-day workshop went very well, and the students were great! Those of you that have never been to the school I want to let you know first hand the facility was beautiful and accommodating in every way to make the experience work for the teacher and student. Considering how many miles I have clocked in traveling to Wisconsin this was the first time I experienced the quaint charm of Door County. Picturesque scenes were suitable for a postcard or better yet an afternoon of plein air painting. In this hands-on workshop, my students gained a foundation and more in-depth understanding of the elements and techniques of transparent watercolor. They discover the unique properties of the medium, as well as how to control and use them to their advantage concerning landscape painting. During the two-days, they learned how to use their materials effectively, interpret of color, create a working composition, and build a successful painting from start to finish through demonstrations and guided exercises. I supplied photo references for various types of landscapes. I encourage my students to take photos and videos – as much as they want. The combination of taking notes, pictures, hands-on painting and the final critique produces a good learning experience that the student retains. DAY 1A simple landscape was demonstrated with a farmhouse and outbuildings. This introduced the student to necessary procedures of the ”block-in..” Also, I had a brief talk about simple perspective. This painting took about one hour. Paper:
The second demo of the morning was a snow scene (farm scene in the woods). I discussed the painting of white subject matter and how the temperature is perceived. Paper: Hot press Arches Colors:
Finally, the paint-along with the students was a forest scene with a small creek and reflections. Big sweeping movement of color was demoed, paying attention to large shapes, not objects. Paper:
DAY 2Water was the theme! Still water, moving water and water in a snow scene. Elements from day one we're employed. This first demonstration I wanted to show how you can take 3-colors from a primary group: a red, a yellow, and a blue and give the impression of full color. I also wanted to demo how simply water can be executed by paying attention to the patterns of value. 45 minutes Paper:
The second demo was how to simply paint falling water with your brush. This demo took 45 minutes. Paper:
At the end of day two, a casual critique took place. I talked with them about what they did wrong and how to improve or correct it. Also wanted to let them know what they did right and encourage them and build on their successes. I'm sorry we didn't have an extra day or two to continue – I felt like I was just getting to know you. What a talented group of artists. Class was a lot of fun. I plan to rework the “paint-along” pictures done in class. Thank you! I will try to practice what you showed us. I wish we had had more time too. I had a wonderful time in class. You had many life lessons along with watercolor techniques. Thank you. I look forward to staying in touch.
LACARE ART LEAGUE meeting was held at the Gloria Dei (Glory to God) Church, 3711 Ridge Road, Highland, IN, 46322 where "visitors are always welcome." This was my third invitation to the Art League. In case you missed my Facebook Live post of the demo it is now on YouTube. First aired on my Facebook page Observer Artist Watercolorist Dale L Popovich IWS on March 26, 2018. I demonstrated a full palette transparent watercolor of an outbuilding on a Wisconsin farmstead not far from my log cabin.
I took the art league through my classical approach of watercolor painting to a full house of members and guests. I started with photo reference on my iPad and a pencil sketch on 300 lb. Arches watercolor paper. I took my one-inch brush and immediately laid down bold color washes. Then I explained every stroke along the way adding my usual stories and humor throughout the demo. Over the course of an hour I turned a white sheet of paper into a snow covered rural Midwest farm scene adding a little gouache for the snowflakes.. After several minutes of question and answers The demo was raffled. Yesterday, Saturday, February 17 In conjunction with our Faculty Show at the historical Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts in Chicago I along with other instructors offered free demonstrations. I demonstrated a watercolor and this demo was broadcasted on Facebook Live. Don't forget to LIKE OBSERVER ARTIST WATERCOLORIST DALE L POPOVICH IWS on Facebook.
If you missed this amazing event mark your calendar for early next February 2019. Here’s all the demos that took place at the P&C. February 17, 2018 Main Gallery 10 - 12 pm: Larry Paulsen - Drawing Facial Features 1 - 4 pm: William Schneider - Portrait Painting Second Floor 10:30 am - 12 pm: Dale L Popovich - Watercolor February 24, 2018 Main Gallery 10:30 am - 12 pm: Helen Oh - Still Life in Oils 1 - 4 pm: Michael Van Zeyl - Still Life in Oils Second Floor 9 am - 3 pm: Steve Puttrich - Watercolor 10 am - 12:30 pm: Lenin Delsol - Portrait Painting FACULTY SHOW Exhibition: February 9 - 26 Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts Address: 1012 N Dearborn St, Chicago, IL 60610 Phone: (312) 642-4400 paletteandchisel.org 1012 N. Dearborn • Chicago IL 60610 • P (312)642-4400 • F (312)642-4317 • [email protected] Office Hours Monday-Thursday • 10:30am-6:30pm • Friday 10:30am-5:00pm • www.paletteandchisel.org MAP ![]() I had a great turnout for the LOLA Land 'O Lakes Arts All-Day Workshop. I was amazed at the turnout because the day was quite chilly, -15. But then I remembered the folks up north are of hardy stock. Weather doesn't stop them. The class was made up of beginners and intermediates. LOLA has quite a great reputation to offer quality class for all ages thanks to WENDY POWALISZ, Programming Director. Wendy said there had been great interest in a drawing class with a focus on simple perspective. So I created a specially tailored workshop just for them called Learn How to Draw Structures Fast and Easy, Then Paint in Full-Color Watercolor. First half of the day I demonstrated and shared basic linear perspective theory with simple structures. They also learn two-point perspective and recreated what I shared with them by creating simple drawings. In the second half of the day the class applied the knowledge in a transparent watercolor painting. During this session they developed a snow scene using the two-point perspective from the morning. They gained an understanding of working from foreground to background, large to small and temperature changes in the snow scene. The day flew by, lost of questions were asked and my final watercolor demo painting was raffled off. Thanks LOLA for another great workshop. From there I went back to our cabin, talked about my day with Marilee and took my best girl out for dinner. Life is good. |
Dale L Popovich IWSDale is an award-winning watercolorist and teacher passionate about capturing the raw beauty of the American landscape with the fluid stroke of a brush. As you will see, the works selected in his portfolio represent the depth of his holistic approach to painting. You can also learn with this talented and experienced teacher through his workshops, Palette & Chisel, and Popovich Studio classes. Archives
November 2024