![]() I have been giving workshops for the Lakeland Art League located in Minocqua, WI for several years. This ambitious, fun-loving group of nearly 100 members shares their passion with the community including shows, charity events, and a weekly open studio. Since the COVID their organization like so many others has come to halt. Lakeland's leadership reached out to me and asked if I would do a Facebook Live Demonstration for their group. They wanted their art community to feel connected and creative, so virtual was the way to go. Some of you may remember last year I gave 12 weeks of Watercolor Escape Saturdays on Facebook Live Demos. Many of Lakeland's members joined in and loved it. Here's the link you will need to watch at Monday, February 8th, 2021 10:00 am cst-- Lakeland's Facebook page. CLICK HERE Below you will see the reference packet. This includes:
This Week's Demonstration I am going to focus on water, moving water. Do not let this scare you – it is not as hard as you think, and I will share my splashy secrets. There are a tremendous amount of streams and rivers in Michigan to explore. The beauty of simple pleasures with their rugged trails, nothing makes us feel more alive. The wandering gypsies in us enjoy hiking these areas during all four seasons and all-weather types. Marilee and I will crack open our favorite waterfall books over breakfast and escaping for a day of touring and taking in their majesty. During this time we settled on Kakabika Falls on US-2 in between the small towns of Watersmeet and Marenisco in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. You will find it off of County Road 527 on the Cisco Branch of Octonagon River. There is a small parking lot and from there follow the trail, and you’ll see multiple different drops. MORE INFORMATION. Every year Kakabika Falls is quite different because of the snowfall and rain. In October 2012 it was apparent to us the drought up north for the past 7 or 8 years has taken a toll on the falls. In years past you would only see a few of the very large boulders and massive amounts of water flowing through this area. But now all of the secrets of the river were exposed in a prehistoric beauty. Here is a YouTube link to our October 2012 trek. YouTube Link Click Here So let's dive in. Demo techniques: • How to paint abstract. • Patterns in nature. • How to paint abstract m patterns in nature. • Not over-mixing colors. • Applying color with the toothbrush. • How to paint soft edges. • How to use dry brush strokes to paint trees. • How to transition colors in a wash. Please note the pencil sketch was on indigo handmade watercolor paper but you can also use Arches #300 paper. The drawing is simple–minimal lines. After this demo I want you to walk away with: 1. Understand the timing in applying the watercolor. 2. How to handle a dark, subject matter and still making it colorful. 3. Learn the dynamic color range you can achieve with a five-color palette. 4. Don’t over mix—instead, let the paints blend on the paper and work their magic. This teaches you patience. 5. Making a light value subject work using subtle value changes. Please note the painting will be on Kilimanjaro Natural White Cold-Press 300 lb but Arches would be just fine too. The drawing is simple–minimal lines. ![]() My Tried and True Complete Supply List If you want to learn more about my tried and true watercolor supplies please visit HERE. I have articles, videos, and favorite books. We are always adding to the page. So please come back often.
How to Get Confidence Mixing Greens for LandscapeFEBRUARY 13 AND 27, 2021 ![]() THIS IS A PAID EVENT: The Watercolor Society of Indiana asked me to conduct a virtual workshop for their organization. Due to COVID, this organization has turned its focus on meeting with its members on Zoom. The next adventure will be offering workshops. I’m honored to have been asked to kick this off for them. Here’s a link to the paid event. Need more info read below. Private message me with questions. Hope to see you there. ![]() THE DEMO - DAY 1, Feb 13 THE REFERENCE PACKET You will receive a reference packet for our Zoom workshop. This packet includes one of my photos from my personal collection. In addition, I will supply you a pencil sketch on watercolor paper you will recreate on your own paper. Finally, page 3 includes:
![]() I will talk about how to build a painting. The main emphasis will be on gaining confidence and demystify mixing and using greens. Secondly, is the process. I will explain the block in the method of painting. Working from large to small areas, painting from background to foreground, developing your values from light to dark, and finally working your colors more intensely at the beginning to grind down to a slow process as you work through the painting. There are several things that I will continue to remind you during the demonstration. A few of these are keeping your edges as soft as you can for as long as you can. Understanding various uses of the brush including applications of the toothbrush in applying and removing color. The Photo Marilee, my wife, and I suffer from wanderlust! With empty memory cards, a thermos of steaming hot coffee, and a full tank of gas we headed out to discover new sceneries. In northern Wisconsin during the spring, there are numerous intense colors of green in the forest – yellow-greens to blue-greens where the sparkling sun meets the fog rises from the early morning forest floor. This special swampy area opened into a meadow in the distance. It was a bit mystical to me. There was an ancient fire road directly across the way that led to hiking trails curving through the marshland. As we explored we passed small stagnant ponds and disfigured trees that almost seemed to wave at us as we passed by. This was a perfect spot calling to be painted. THE VIDEO This demonstration will be recorded so you can recreate what I painted. You will receive an email approximately three to four days after the demo with a video link. This video is yours along as YouTube is around. In addition, you will receive a Start-to-Finish packet that includes photos of each step along the painting process. If you have any questions before the critique please send me an email and I will answer them. THE CRITIQUE – DAY 2-Feb 27 Once you have completed your painting email it to me by Noon Friday, February 26, 2021. Here's What to Expect:
NOTE: THIS VIDEO WAS FIRST BROADCASTED ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE. BECAUSE OF THE INTERNET AND BAND USAGE THE IMAGE GETS BLURRY. SORRY. I had my fourth Watercolor Escape Saturday last weekend on April 11th. If you are new to this my wife, Marilee and I are committed to broadcasting a Facebook Live every Saturday at noon CST till our lives kinda get back to some type of normal. We want to offer an escape even for an hour or two. Reference In this week's blog post I have included the video now on YouTube (edited as a paint-along) and my demo notes. Here's what you will find:
To learn more about my brushes and tried and true supplies head over to my Supply List & Library page. Click on the Supply List above for my personal printable list. The Video We have edited and added more information to the Facebook Live video. Click on the button and head over to my YouTube page. Don't forget to subscribe to my page. and leave a comment. The Painting A few weeks back one of my online watchers asked if I would do some rocks. So I thought I would paint rocks with a waterfall showing them how to recompose a photo and leave out the unimportant and how one could be left with the essentials of the photo. My main goal of this painting was not only the rocks but how to handle the water flowing over and around them. How layering the watercolor and the colors themselves could be applied to have the illusion of the water flowing over the rocks and moving down the falls. In finishing the waterfalls I used a razor blade to create the spatter of water and get a better feeling for the overall movement of the water. I spent a little bit more time back in the studio after the Facebook Live broadcast. I added some key values and colors to push the water out towards the viewer. I also took the liberty of adding gouache with color added to give a little bit more volume and dimension. ![]() The Location Yondota Falls in the UP of Michigan. MAP. The falls are located deep in the forest of Marenisco Township, MI, and are part of the Presque Isle River. Yondota Falls is a short walk from Copps Mine Road at the bridge over the Presque Isle River. The dynamics of the water flowing are ever-changing almost like a fine bottle of wine from year to year. No two years are alike. We have been hiking there for nearly 13 years during all four seasons. During that time the water is stained with tannic acid from the tamarack trees giving the water a weak coffee color. Yandota Falls is a series of falls, so be sure you walk far enough to see them all. The trail is not long but does drop in elevation along the river, so the uphill return hike may make this a moderately difficult trail.
I have supplied additional websites below with more information I depend on and great photos to help you plan your trip look below. https://www.uptravel.com/attractions-2/waterfalls-of-the-u-p/ https://www.fishweb.com/maps/gogebic/waterfalls/yondota/index.html
In Conclusion That's it for now. I hope we will see you next Saturday at noon CST on my Facebook page for another Watercolor Escape Saturdays. Remember to leave a comment below, tell me what you think and what you would like to see in the future. Wash your hands and your brushes, Dale Note About Copyright
During this last broadcast of Watercolor Escape Saturdays, I was asked about copyright of these paint-alongs. You have permission to use and paint these reference materials. But you don't have permission to use it as a teaching tool to instruct others. In addition, your finished painting cannot be used in an art competition or show. This is solely used as a learning tool. AFFILIATE DISCLOSURES Amazon: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Blick Art Supplies: I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Well, I had my second Watercolor Escape Saturday last weekend on March 28th. If you are new to this my wife, Marilee and I are committed to broadcasting a Facebook Live every Saturday at noon EST till our lives kinda get back to some type of normal. We want to offer an escape even for an hour or two. In this week's blog post I have included the video now on YouTube (edited as a paint-along) and my demo notes. Here's what you will find:
Gallery of Work Highlighted in Video Below are several demos I did playing with composition and value studies before the final painting titled Walking in My Father's Footsteps. I also share additional paintings in the video. Click on the painting to see a larger version. Gift Every year I paint a special birthday card for Marilee. I remember once a long time ago we went to the Terra Museum to John Singer Sargent watercolor show. Sargent would paint special gifts for his sister with tender words and well wishes. They were touching and moved both of us. This painting is of one of our favorite walks in spring up not far from our cabin. The silver light and tender greens you only see during this time of year. This study was painted on handmade paper containing seeds, leaves, and stems. The paper had very little sizing so planning my brushstrokes were essential. Could not rework once the paint was laid down. Final studio painting I promised myself I would experiment with new color combinations during this down time. Here is an example a new color combination palette. And don't think you can't find painting reference material. This was taken by Marilee while we were driving north through Wisconsin to our cabin. The sun was setting, the sky was on fire and the earth was rich with color. Here's my 6-color full palette:
![]() The Master I have enjoyed Winslow Homer watercolors long before I ever picked up a paint brush. My father admired his work and would share his paintings with me. He would break composition rules and make them work. I suggested a Homer book that looks like it's out of print but you may find on Ebay. There are other Homer books at Amazon (CLICK HERE) like this one. If you rather go to your library and check-out a book. Also here's a website to view. CLICK HERE. ![]() Poppy Incase you didn't here we got a new puppy this year. Her name is Miss Poppy, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and she is such a joy. It's a blessing to have her and an additional heartbeat in our house. Well that's it for now. I hope we will see you next Saturday at noon EST on my Facebook page for another Watercolor Escape Saturdays. Remember Leave a comment below, tell me what you think and what you would like to see in the future. Wash your hands and your brushes, Dale AFFILIATE DISCLOSURES
Amazon: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Please join me for
Westminster Presbyterian Church Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, February 26 @ 7:00pm MAP I will create an original watercolor during worship illustrating the Lenten theme of paradox. You will see the painting come to life on large screen monitors while Rev. Quincy Worthington talks about the meaning of paradox. There will have an artist’s reception immediately following the service. https://wpcmunster.org |
Dale L Popovich IWSDale is an award-winning watercolorist and teacher passionate about capturing the raw beauty of the American landscape with the fluid stroke of a brush. As you will see, the works selected in his portfolio represent the depth of his holistic approach to painting. You can also learn with this talented and experienced teacher through his workshops, Palette & Chisel, and Popovich Studio classes. Archives
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